Thursday, August 13, 2009

Week 3 Lecture Notes

Here they are.... mmmm.... but the shot composition picture is not displaying properly on all machines so here it is again.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 3 blog tasks.

First of all, if your Blog has been earmarked as a spam blog please make sure you follow the instructions that Google/gmail provide before they delete your blog and possibly your account.

Language of the screen.

Find an explanation of the following terms:-


Make sure you reference and provide a bibliography to show you are starting to develop online research skills.

For the task mentioned by Josh at the lecture, we would like you to watch a Movie or Tv show and describe/explain the following...


Have a look at the Lecture notes to see what we're talking about here.

Your Blog so far....

At this stage one would expect that your blog would be up and running. The address of which (the URL) has been emailed to Included in the body of that email was your name and student number and your tute group time and day in the subject line. (the email was sent from your student gmail account)

If you have not done this check the instructions at

In week two we followed the 'Convergence' theme and found 4 examples of convergent technology and posted pictures of what was found on your blog.

Two of these needed to be involved with communication and two could be any convergent technology. (some sort of explanation should be included with each pic. and for extra marks you would provided a link back to where you found the pic.)

A definition of 'Convergence' and the source where you found it.

To display your prowess and skills, we would like to see an edited or altered version of the 4 pics previously found. (just a simple edit, a crop, a change in colour, size, orientation) You should have a before edit version and an after, clearly defined.

Some Youtube video or similar that is 'embedded' into your blog. (2 please, one displaying convergence and one that can be anything)

Inline with the Lecture week two, I would have put an 'Internet timeline' and a 'History of Computing' post up. (It's up to you how you show your interaction with this task)

As an extra (not compulsory), upload some video of your own to the blog. You are showing the difference between linking/embedding and capturing/uploading with this task. (you can use the 'Isight camera' on the tute room Imacs to do this.

That should round up the end of week two.